The process of being matched with a surrogate is quite exciting. After all, this person is going to help you become parents! You may have a clear vision of who your ideal surrogate ought to be. For example, you may want a surrogate in her early twenties, a stay-at-home mom who lives in your geographical region. Whatever the traits are of your ideal surrogate, you must express them to the case manager who is assigned your case. They will ensure that a surrogate who fits your requirements will be matched with you. However, the waiting period can make intended parents feel anxious. Each passing day makes you feel like a month. Take comfort in knowing that the right surrogate is out there, and she will be matched with you via the surrogacy agency’s intricate matching process. Sometimes the waiting process can take longer.

Some factors that influence the time required to find the most appropriate match include:
- The geographical location of your surrogate
- Your specific age requirement
- Surrogate’s marital status
- Marital status
- Education level
- Employment status
- Body mass index of the surrogate
There are certain variables in your particular situation that may delay the matching process. These include:
- Being a single parent seeking surrogacy assistance.
- Being a straight couple and requiring assistance from an egg donor.
- In some states, being a gay couple can delay matching time.
Once you have completed your ideal surrogacy candidate profile, you will receive an estimated time for locating the right match. Your case manager will be actively searching for a surrogate who matches your profile. But please keep in mind, the surrogate decides to decline or accept your profile. Whether your profile is accepted immediately or after a few attempts is something that cannot be predicted with certainty.
You are encouraged to be patient while the search for your ideal surrogate is being conducted. The best surrogate will be worth waiting for!
To learn more about finding a surrogate and the matching process, please contact Rite Options
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