The gestational surrogacy process is when a woman chooses to carry and give birth to a baby for another woman. The woman carrying the baby is sometimes called the gestational carrier or surrogate. The intended parents are the ones who will receive this baby after it is born. They are usually very involved with the surrogate, starting with the pregnancy to attending all the medical appointments and even being present at the child's birth.
In gestational surrogacy, the baby does not share his or her genes with the gestational surrogate. The egg and sperm are gathered from the mother and father, respectively, fertilized in an IVF lab and then implanted into the gestational surrogate's womb.

Gestational pregnancy offers many couples and individuals the chance to experience parenthood, especially when other avenues are not available or possible.
With that being said, when would someone consider gestational pregnancy?
A Woman with a Complicated Medical Condition
Certain medical situations make pregnancy unsafe for the mother and/her baby. To treat this medical condition, the woman might have to take special medications to make conception dangerous or difficult. Some medicines may harm her fetus. For instance, a woman with cancer or heart condition may be advised by her physician to explore alternative means of having a baby.
It can be devastating to a woman to learn that she cannot give birth to her child because of her medical condition. However, once she has accepted the reality of her situation, many women begin to see surrogacy as a viable option.
Gay Couples
Homosexual couples who, for obvious reasons, are unable to get pregnant can pursue surrogacy. One partner can provide his or her genes to a child, meaning that there will be a biological link between the child and the parents.
This is the most challenging road to surrogacy. People in this category are usually couples who have been trying to conceive for many years. They've likely experienced several miscarriages and have shelled out lots of money on IVF treatments without much success.
Medical conditions such as Primary Ovarian Insufficiency, advanced maternal age, uterine fibroids, and polycystic ovarian syndrome are roadblocks to fertility. There are some cases where the doctor cannot figure out why the couple is infertile. Infertility can be an emotionally distraught experience, especially for women.
However, there is a light at the end of this tunnel; in the form of gestational surrogacy. The path to gestational surrogacy results in a child that shares some, if not complete, biological connection with the intended parents.
Gestational surrogacy gives many people the chance to experience parenthood's joys, which they otherwise could not have by other means.
To learn more about gestational surrogacy and its benefits, please contact Rite Options.
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