The world is full of people who have many unfulfilled desires. Individual wishes are such that these cannot be fulfilled, but man has tried to overcome many such challenges by turning what was seemingly impossible into possible. Surrogacy has given wings to the dreams of childless couples, gay parents, or single parents. With Gestational Surrogacy, they are hopeful of becoming parents and also genetically related to the baby.

Gestational surrogacy is achieved when an embryo created in the lab by the process of In Vitro Fertilization is implanted in a woman’s uterus who agrees to carry the embryo under a legal contract. Gestational surrogacy involves a complex medical, legal and financial process that can be handled well under one roof by a team of people who have gained expertise in this field. These are Surrogacy Agencies that provide all the assistance, support, and help required by the Intended Parents and the Surrogates or Donors.
The surrogate gestational process has many steps to follow, and surrogacy agencies make this journey smooth and hassle-free with their professional and organized approach.
The process begins when any intended or potential parent(s) decides to approach a surrogacy agency to gain information regarding the same. The counselor at the agency gives a free consultation, which makes you aware of the options available to you.
Once you are convinced that you wish to be an intended parent, you must sign a form or an agreement with the agency.
Next is the stage of choosing a Surrogate or an Egg Donor. The agency has a database that can make things easier for you to select. These surrogates or donors have to undergo psychological screening before being selected by the agency. Once chosen by the potential parent, they have to go through several medical tests to ensure that they enjoy good physical and mental health. Their social, academic, and even financial backgrounds are thoroughly checked.
Now comes the time to get the legal contract or agreement drafted and signed. This is done by the attorney who represents your case while the other signatory has a separate attorney. The agency’s legal team does this job.
It is time for all the medical examinations to be done by the fertility clinic chosen by the potential parents from the list provided by the agency. These medical tests are done for the surrogate and the intended parents to ensure that they are healthy enough to go through the process of IVF.
Finally, the process of IVF is completed under the able guidance and supervision of the specialists. Once the pregnancy is achieved, the agency prepares you and the surrogate for the baby's birth. The attorneys complete all the necessary legal documentation.
Rite Options has earned the reputation of being the most trusted name as a surrogacy agency in the U.S. Contact us to find the various options and programs available.
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