The gestational carrier process entails a lot of planning, preparation, and decision-making. Despite careful consideration of all your pregnancy-related decisions, you will still face complicated feelings and emotional and physical challenges. As a gestational surrogate, you will experience the same emotions and problems as you would in your pregnancy.
Also, gestational surrogacy is still a relatively new solution for couples who cannot have children. Although it offers hope for many childless couples, it’s still a misunderstood process. Many misconceptions surround surrogacy, and not many people are mistaken by how it works and what’s involved.
Surrogacy is a difficult journey with a rewarding and life-changing outcome. Having multiple sources of support at this time will help you enjoy your surrogacy journey.
What are some of the benefits of having support systems during the gestational carrier process?
Having a support system enables you to access friends, family members, social networks, and professionals on days when you’re experiencing doubt, frustration, and stress. Sometimes just talking to another human being who cares and understands is helpful enough.
The first and last trimesters, in particular, can be mentally and physically exhausting during pregnancy. It can affect the daily management of tasks such as driving to and from work, cooking, cleaning your home, buying groceries, etc. Your surrogacy support team can assist you with tasks of daily living, including running errands, shopping, driving, and even cooking a meal.
Who can you include in your surrogacy support team?
When selecting people to be a part of your surrogacy support team, choose individuals who will positively contribute to your surrogacy journey. We recommend selecting people who understand, respect, and support your choices.
Your support system can include the following people:
- Your partner or spouse
- Your siblings or parents
- Extended family
- Close friends
- Intended Parents
- Your Surrogacy Partner/Professional
- Your extended surrogacy network
Having support during the gestational carrier process is necessary. It helps ensure you’ll have a smooth and memorable journey. Get in touch with Rite Options to learn more about gestational surrogacy.
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