If you’re thinking about donating your eggs to help another couple start their family, keep your eligibility in mind. Not every woman can donate her eggs. Although there are many egg donor agencies in NYC, each program varies in its criteria. However, some requirements are standard practice across all agencies. Some of these criteria are upheld for legal purposes, and other legalities are set to increase pregnancy chances and ensure a safe path for both recipients and donors.
Usually, it is recommended that egg donors be at least 21 years of age and be not more than age 35. The minimum age limit ensures that you can legally enter a contract with the intended parents. The upper age limit is set because older women respond less effectively to fertility medications. There is also a higher chance for the eggs to acquire genetic mutations making pregnancy difficult or less likely. It can also result in a baby being born with a congenital disability.
Some egg donor agencies prefer to enlist donors who have previously given birth. This ensures that they’re already fertile and experienced with the physical and emotional expectations that pregnancy brings.
If you’re thinking about becoming a potential egg donor, you must meet the following set by egg donor agencies NYC:
- You must be between the ages of 21 and 35 years.
- You must have a regular menstrual cycle (monthly periods).
- You do not have any reproductive abnormalities or disorders.
- You must be emotionally and mentally sound.
- You must be physically fit and have a BMI of less than 28.
- You must not be a drug user, smoker, or nicotine user.
- You cannot be taking Depo-Provera shots.
- You’re not currently wearing a Nexplanon or Implanon arm implant.
- You must consent to a psychological and medical evaluation.
- You’re willing to administer injectable medications.
- You’re eager to commit your time to the process for at least six months.
- You’re excited about helping another individual or couple with building a family.
If you meet these criteria to become an egg donor, get in touch with one of the leading egg donor agencies in NYC. Contact Rite Options today.
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