Surrogacy is an agreement between a woman who gives her consent through a legal contract to carry the pregnancy for someone else who, for some reason, can’t conceive or carry the pregnancy. The woman who carries the baby in her womb for someone else is known as a Carrier and the other party with whom she signs the contract are known as Intended Parents. This woman is also known as a surrogate.
Surrogacy is of two types,
- Gestational, and
- Traditional surrogacy.
In Traditional Surrogacy, a woman who bears the child is inseminated with sperm of the intended father or a sperm donor with natural or artificial insemination. Surrogate becomes the baby's genetic mother as she uses her eggs in the process, but the child will only be related to the intended father if his sperm and not the donor’s sperm are used in the process.

That is why Traditional Surrogacy is also known as Genetic or Partial Surrogacy.
Traditional surrogacy has been existing for ages. To avoid a break-up in a marriage, a Babylonian infertile woman was allowed by the customs to follow this practice. It is even described in the biblical Book of Genesis. There is no denying that surrogacy brings the bliss of being the parent to the people who are clinically or medically unable to have their children. It is a fact that traditional surrogacy these days have become less common. The reasons are emotional turmoil and legal complexities.
The Traditional Surrogacy Process does not require an egg donor as the surrogate will be using her eggs though one has to look for a suitable and willing surrogate. Once this is done, it is essential to get the contract drafted and signed. One must pay a lot of attention to documentation to avoid future conflict between the intended parent and the surrogate, who also happens to be the baby's biological mother. After the signing of contracts, the intended father’s or the sperm donor’s sperm are artificially inseminated through Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI). This method is less expensive and complicated. The most crucial stage happens when the baby is born, and it is to be handed over to the intended parents. Since the surrogate happens to be the baby’s genetic mother, her right on it is not over till the intended parents have legally adopted the baby.
Rite Options, the agency, is the right option to put all the doubts of the surrogate or the intended parents at peace. To make the process of surrogacy free of complexities is our prime concern. We don’t leave things to chance, nor do we believe in hiding any risks involved. We understand that surrogacy involves emotional complexities, too, which must be given due attention to relieve both the surrogate and the intended parents of the stress.
For any queries, contact us, and to make it easier for you to decide, we are there for you 24/7.
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