Surrogacy is a process or an agreement in which a woman carries an embryo created by IVF technology for another person or persons, who may be intended parents of the newly born baby. It may seem quite surprising that the first description of Surrogacy can be found in the biblical Book of Genesis. Still, the modern world saw its first case of Surrogacy in England as Louise Brown, the first test-tube baby, was born through the successful procedure of IVF. Surrogacy is considered a viable solution when the parents can't bear the child due to several factors like the mother's ill health or other medical or personal reasons. It is a good choice for those who are not able to conceive but crave a baby.

Surrogacy Can Be Mainly Considered To Be of Two Types:
- Traditional Surrogacy and
- Gestational Surrogacy.
Traditional surrogate mother gets the father's sperms artificially inseminated. Still, she remains the biological mother of the baby. On the other hand, when a woman carries a pregnancy created by in vitro fertilization in her womb and delivers the baby for another couple, it is termed gestational Surrogacy. This woman is not related to the baby. That's why she is also known as a Gestational Carrier. The embryo may be created with donor's eggs or sperms or intended parents' eggs or sperms. Different arrangements will bring different results. It is interesting to note here that the first successful gestational Surrogacy happened in 1985. The baby, Melissa Stern, came into controversy when her surrogate carrier refused to keep her side of the contract to part with the baby once she was born.
Many parts of the world have given legal sanctions to Surrogacy and made the Gestational Surrogacy Services available to those who choose them. These people need to enlist themselves with a surrogacy agency that would facilitate all medical, legal, and psychological matters smoothly. One agency, which through its diligence and conscientious attitude, has carved a niche for itself in a far superior role is Rite Options. Here, the clients feel so much at ease as they know that their needs will be catered for in the most empathetic manner. The warmth and understanding that they receive from Rite Options give them hope and confidence. From the moment they step in till the whole process of Surrogacy, which begins with choosing the right and the best fertility clinic, arranging the egg or sperm donor, or coordinating all legalities of the process, everything is taken care of at a personal level, though never forgetting the ethics of professionalism. Round-the-clock availability for the clients speaks volumes of the level of professional commitment followed by the agency.
For any query or free consultation, feel free to call or visit Rite Options.
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