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Showing posts from 2018

Preparation for Embryo Transfer in Gestational Surrogacy

Timing matters immensely during an embryo transfer. A surrogate will be administered several medications to prep her uterus for embryo implantation. For instance, she may have to take birth control pills at the start of her menstrual cycle. Estrogen may be started at the same time as the intended mom or donor to coordinate your cycles, and this is performed to obtain a “fresh” egg. Before harvesting the eggs, the surrogate may be administered progesterone to prep her uterus for implantation. Even during an embryo transfer cycle involving “frozen” eggs, the surrogate will have to take hormones injected via self-injections. We offer the most complete, safe, and secure gestational surrogacy services at affordable packages. Specific medications will depend on the surrogate as well and will be discussed by the physician.